StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Run Forest, Run<< 1 ... 21 22 23 24 25 ... 57 >>Post Follow-up
2,025 posts
msg #64409
Ignore alf44
6/27/2008 12:38:42 PM


I have taken your Travel Guide - Target Edition Stat Scan...

...ADDED "20 day average" target parameters... addition to...the "5 day average" stuff that you used in your original...and am observing the accuracy of these "targets" applied to a symlist of Broad Market ETFs ! (ie. QQQQ, QID, QLD etc...)

Too early to say...jury is still out !!!

Any perspective you would care to add on how best to implement these targets would be welcome.



6,411 posts
msg #64418
Ignore TheRumpledOne
6/27/2008 6:01:26 PM

Not sure what you mean by IMPLEMENT?

I just trade the same stock everyday.

I wait for the drop target for my entry and wait for the bounce target for my exit.

If I hold overnight, then I want to exit at the run target.

2,025 posts
msg #64424
Ignore alf44
6/27/2008 11:13:34 PM're not sure what I mean by "IMPLEMENT" ??? LOL




...what I mean YOUR opinion (as the writer and creator of this "ever-changing" filter and these methods) ... how/what is the BEST approach to take in implementing (ie... applying) these "targets" they pertain to Entry and Exit of Stock Trades !

Hopefully, that's easier to understand ? Seems pretty straightforward to me !!!

NOW...if you could give some insight about how to BEST Enter...AND...Exit trades...based on the price action of the important FIRST HOUR or so...IN...and...around these "targets"... well as...

...other "Entry/Exit" scenarios that occur with great regularity...throughout the trading day...each and every trading would be very helpful !!!

Please be specific...TIA !!!



104 posts
msg #64429
Ignore jimhbutton
6/28/2008 1:14:06 AM

Hi Alf (& TRO),

I've been really enjoying the daily accuracy of TRO's latest Run-Pullback and Drop-Bounce creation on various stocks and have taken the liberty to compile some of his helpful comments posted in various places throughout these forums. Hopefully they'll help clarify some fuzzy areas for others as they have for me:



(From Page 20 of “Run Forest Run” Filter Exchange StockFetcher Thread)

Waldr (6/21/2008 6:31:35 PM):

TRO, I was just wondering if you ever apply stats on the time axis.

Say I like to know what would be the best time to statistically to get in to SPF. I guess intraday historical data software and filter would be required but I was just wondering if you apply stat's to the time axis so I can better fine tune my entry.

thx. in advance.

TheRumpledOne (6/21/2008 7:06:10 PM):

I do NOT apply statistics to time when trading stocks, only FOREX.

The reason I don't is the stock market has an open and a close. You can look at a volume chart to see when stocks (usually) are most active... the first and last hour of the day...

(Please go to page 20 of this thread -- "Run Forest Run" -- to read the rest of TRO's extensive answer)


(From Page 4 of the “I Trade Just One Stock, TRO-style” General Discussion StockFetcher Thread)

TheRumpledOne (4/14/2008 2:03:20 AM):

SPF making lower highs, lower lows but white candles.

Someone asked about ENTRY TRIGGERS.

I use a 30 minute candles and go long on green candles.

The reason I use 30-minute candles is because SPF is a NYSE stock and the price usually follows the normal reversal periods:


As you will see, there are key times that we look for during the trading day as being pivotal. Most days, the action centers around those times. Other times of the day are more suitable for a trip to the gas station or lawn bowling. Here are the pivot times we look at for signs of life (all times are EST): ...

(Please go to Page 4 of the “I Trade Just One Stock, TRO-style” General Discussion StockFetcher Thread to read rest of TRO's extensive answer)


(From Page 6 of the “I Trade Just One Stock, TRO-style” General Discussion StockFetcher Thread)

TheRumpledOne (5/1/2008 3:54:46 PM):

I use a 30 minute chart to trade SPF.

Why 30 min? Because the BIG BOYS usuallly reverse direction on the 1/2 hour.

Just trade with the candle color. Looks simple, sounds simple and it is simple UNLESS you complicate matters.

Indicators? Just HORIZONTAL LINES on my trading chart:


I buy at x.x0 or x.x5 and sell for a nickel or more. Sometimes I'll hold overnight. I also will average down.

The trick is NOT TO BE GREEDY. A nickel on a $5 stock is 1 percent.

Do that once a day and you more than double your money in a year. Get rich slow and steady.

Today SPF open $5.06 and High $5.33 Low $4.99 (so far).



(From Page 12 of the “I Trade Just One Stock, TRO-style” General Discussion StockFetcher Thread)

d27283 (6/13/2008 8:13:49 PM):

I'm starting out with $500 and trading crossing ma's..... oh yeah and reading alot. What would I need as a minimum bank roll to run like Forest ?

TheRumpledOne (6/14/2008 12:06:43 PM):

There's more than one way to answer that...

1) If you want to daytrade, then by rule you need $25,000 minimum

2) you can "beat the system" by holding over night. If you buy an RFR stock at/near the bottom, you can hold overnight, hopefully sell at the pop, and then buy back in near the bottom again. You can make up to 3 daytrades in a 5 day period in a margin account before being labeled a PATTERN DAY TRADER. Only use a daytrade to escape or to take huge profits...

The biggest obstacle to achieving this is YOU! I don't know you personally, but, in most cases, people are in their own way. They are NOT satisfied with just making $10 a day starting out... they want more! They see what they could have made had they only traded some other stock. So then they hop around and miss more opportunities then they catch. Instead of being focused on their account they stick their nose in other people's business.

When you are trying to GROW an account, it's not the dollars, it's the PERCENTAGE! What do banks pay in a year? 2%? 3%? 4%? 5%? What's the reason you are not satisfied with making that in a day? Is waiting a year or two to have a BIG PILE OF CASH too long to wait?

Trading the same stock, day after day after day after day is BORING. AND IT SHOULD BE! You should be doing the same thing (that works) each and every time you trade. THIS IS BUSINESS. You don't have to be creative just consistant. You don't have to think, you have to execute.

If you want EXCITEMENT go to Vegas…

You will be tempted to stray from this method.

Can you really only trade the same stock over and over again, day after day, week after week, month after month?
Can you wait for 4 or more hours to place ONE TRADE?

Can you wait for YOUR PRICE or will jump the gun only to see that you could have entered at your price a few minutes later?

Will you be tempted to put the latest SQUIGGLY LINE indicator on your chart or can you stick with a few horizontal lines?

TRADING IS SIMPLE... I never said it was easy.

(I encourage you to go to Page 12 of the “I Trade Just One Stock, TRO-style” General Discussion StockFetcher Thread to read TRO's complete reply)


(From Page 21 of “Run Forest Run” Filter Exchange StockFetcher Thread)

Chip (6/23/2008 11:24:02 AM):

TRO, today (6/23/08) SPF (so far) has not hit it's drop target, but has hit it's run target (and then some). Is there a reasonable way to realize that it is in 'Run-Mode', rather than 'Drop-Mode'?

TheRumpledOne (6/23/2008 11:58:15 AM):

If daily candle is GREEN then RUN.

If daily candle is RED then DROP.


2,025 posts
msg #64431
Ignore alf44
6/28/2008 1:35:05 AM

...hmmm... "jimhbutton"...

Thanks for tha post...let me "chew" on this awhile (although I've read the ENTIRE thread...countless times) !!!


As for YOU...RumpledOne...don't think for a sec this gits you off the hook !!!

Come On, DEWD !!!

You've thrown over 20 pages of "Run Forest, Run pasta"... up against the wall on this thread...


...SURELY...sumpen has "stuck" !!!

WHAT SAY...YOU ??? !!!



6,411 posts
msg #64441
Ignore TheRumpledOne
6/28/2008 3:53:25 PM


Off the hook? LOL!

I think I have explained what I do and when I do it. I'll repeat myself again:

I trade SPF. I wait for the price to hit the drop target, then I enter on the bounce meaning price is going up. I look to exit at/near the bounce target. If I am holding overnight, I look to exit the next session at/near the run target. I'll make 1% or more per trade. It's that simple.

There are people making a TON OF CASH using the RFR filter. Some make a lot more than I do. But since I am busy with other things, I keep my SPF trade simple and profitable.

But ALF44, you seem misunderstand something. You think there are all these different filters in here when they really are NOT different filters but different displays. All I am doing is producing more statistics. The targets are the latest statistics. The original RFR selection criteria are still being used:


set{HiOp, High - Open }
set{RunPCT, HiOp/open }
set{B10A, count(RunPCT > .10 , 100)}
add column B10A {RunGT10pct }


B10A above 10
close is between 1 and 15
average volume(10) above 1000000

sort column 5 descending

Remember, trading is more art than science... ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN!

2,025 posts
msg #64448
Ignore alf44
6/29/2008 1:15:30 AM

RumpledOne...thanks for the reply.

One method I use is trading off of the Daily Pivot and the related Support and Resistance levels. There are some pretty precise rules about trading these Pivots...when to be LONG...when to be SHORT etc...

I guess I was just looking for some similarly precise "rules" ...rules that YOU employ in the trading of your "targets"... say..."I wait for the price to hit the drop target, then I enter on the bounce meaning price is going up. I look to exit at/near the bounce target." you saying that you ONLY enter LONG when Price drops from the OPEN...down to the "drop target" ?

What if Price goes UP ? Are you lookin' to get LONG...and do the "targets" play a role ?

Or... what if Price goes UP only slightly...and never reaches the "run target"...turns back down...but doesn't retrace to the "drop target"...what action (if any) would you take ?

How do YOU use the "pullback target" ? What is it's purpose ?


Don't misunderstand...I "get" what you're trying to accomplish with these "Stat Scans"...and I'm trying to see if they can fit into my trading...

...I will say though that with the stocks I watch...the Daily Pivots do a pretty damn good job of defining a likely framework for daily price action...and as I said earlier in this post...the rules for trading Pivots are quite specific.

Thanks again for your reply...I'll keep playing around with this...




Here is MY current version of some of YOUR stat stuff :


/* Run Target Calculations */
set{HiOp, High - Open }
set{RunPCT, HiOp/open }
set{AvgRun5, cma(HiOp 1 day ago,5) }
set{RunTgt5, open + AvgRun5 }
set{AvgRun20, cma(HiOp 1 day ago,20) }
set{RunTgt20, open + AvgRun20 }

/* PullBack Target Calculations */
set{HiCl, High - Close }
set{PBPCT, HiCl/open }
set{AvgPB5, cma(HiCl 1 day ago,5) }
set{PBTgt5, High - AvgPB5 }
set{AvgPB20, cma(HiCl 1 day ago,20) }
set{PBTgt20, High - AvgPB20 }

/* Bounce Target Calculations */
set{ClLo, Close - low }
set{BouncePCT, ClLo/open }
set{AvgBounce5, cma(ClLo 1 day ago,5) }
set{BounceTgt5, Low + AvgBounce5 }
set{AvgBounce20, cma(ClLo 1 day ago,20) }
set{BounceTgt20, Low + AvgBounce20 }

/* Drop Target Calculations */
set{OpLo, Open - low}
set{DropPCT, OpLo/open }
set{AvgDrop5, cma(OpLo 1 day ago,5) }
set{DropTgt5, Open - AvgDrop5 }
set{AvgDrop20, cma(OpLo 1 day ago,20) }
set{DropTgt20, Open - AvgDrop20 }

/* Columns */
and add column separator
and add column separator
and add column RunTgt5
and add column RunTgt20
and add column separator
and add column DropTgt5
and add column DropTgt20
and add column separator
and add column BounceTgt5
and add column BounceTgt20
and add column separator
and add column PBTgt5
and add column PBTgt20
and add column separator

and add column separator
add column RunPCT{R(today)}
add column PBPCT{P(today)}
add column DropPCT{D(today)}
add column BouncePCT{B(today)}
and add column separator
and add column separator


apply to symlist(QID,QQQQ,QLD)

sort column 1 Ascending

6,411 posts
msg #64449
Ignore TheRumpledOne
6/29/2008 1:32:21 AM



I write filters that find stocks that behave a certain way STATISTICALLY. Then I trade according to how those stocks behave.

RFR stocks behave a certain way. I have spelled out how I trade them. If I am flat and SPF doesn't hit the drop target, then I wait for the next day.

If you don't see your stocks on the RFR list, then they are NOT RFR stocks.

If your pivots are working for you, then DO NOT CHANGE.

RFR stocks are NOT FADE THE GAP stocks.

FADE THE GAP stocks are not RFR stocks.

Don't trade apples(AAPL) with the orange trading method...LOL!

You asked about the PULLBACK TARGET. I don't use it for entry or exit. I use it to see if the stock is behaving normally or abnormally.

P.S. Would you mind posting your precise entry/exit rules?

622 posts
msg #64473
Ignore luc1grunt
6/29/2008 3:49:55 PM


6,411 posts
msg #64642
Ignore TheRumpledOne
7/3/2008 2:00:59 AM


/* Long Profit Percent Statistics Display */

set{xRange, high - low}
set{AvgRng, cma(xRange,5) }
set{HiOp, high - open}
set{Long_Profit, HiOp/open }

set{B10A, count(Long_Profit > .05 , 100)}

set{A10A, count(Long_Profit > .05, 1)}
set{chg, sum( A10A - A10A 1 day ago ,5)}

and add column B10A {GT05%}
and add column AvgRng

add column chg{(wk)}
add column chg 1 week ago{(-1wk)}
add column chg 2 weeks ago{(-2wk)}
add column chg 3 weeks ago{(-3wk)}
add column chg 4 weeks ago{(-4wk)}
add column chg 5 weeks ago{(-5wk)}
add column chg 6 weeks ago{(-6wk)}
add column chg 7 weeks ago{(-7wk)}
add column chg 8 weeks ago{(-8wk)}
and add column separator
add column industry
add column sector
and add column separator



sort column 5 descending

StockFetcher Forums · Filter Exchange · Run Forest, Run<< 1 ... 21 22 23 24 25 ... 57 >>Post Follow-up

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