StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · EDGERATER discussion<< 1 2 3 4 5 >>Post Follow-up
1,031 posts
msg #155354
Ignore nibor100
1/18/2021 1:48:02 PM

Latest bactest results are below:
Ed S.

All Trades Winners Losers Neutral
Trade Count 3148 2196 941 11
Trade Count % 100% 69.76% 29.89% 0.35%
Avg. Profit/Loss $ $16.02 $86.65 ($148.63)
Avg. Profit/Loss % 0.69% 3.18% -5.11%

Average Min Max SD Sum
Trade Length (Days) 6.76 2.00 32.00 3.88
Trades per position 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 3148.00
Daily Open Positions 8.72 0.00 155.00 14.07
Profit/Loss (%) 0.69% -81.23% 50.32% 6.53%
Max Favourable Excursion % (MFEP) 3.46% 0.00% 79.19% 4.09%
Max Adverse Excursion % (MAEP) 4.53% 0.00% 89.18% 7.51%
Profit/Loss ($) $16.02 ($2,857.42) $1,175.19 $200.91 $50,425.32
Max Favourable Excursion (MFE) $94.77 $0.00 $2,290.30 $116.74
Max Adverse Excursion (MAE) $129.46 $0.00 $3,136.96 $239.49

Starting Equity $100,000
Ending Equity $150,425
Net Profit $50,425
Net Profit % 50.43%
Investment Period (Days) 3340
Maximum Equity $178,857
Minimum Equity $97,475
Max Consecutive Winners 48
Max Consecutive Losers 23
Commission Rate $0.00
Total Commissions Paid $0.00

Payoff Ratio 0.58
Expectation % 10.78%
Expectation $ $16

1,089 posts
msg #155356
Ignore graftonian
1/18/2021 7:03:23 PM

@Ed S
Worked most of the afternoon. Finally created a basic template, and had it show up in my templates folder. I did not realize this had to be done in excel, not ER

1,031 posts
msg #155358
Ignore nibor100
1/18/2021 11:18:35 PM


Great, now the sky is the limit for what you can do.

1. In case you haven't read thru all of the info in the What's New Template, here's some excerpts from what Chris added in May 2015:

a. Copy Column/Insert Column

Allows you to copy a column of data from one report and paste it into another - automatically matching up to the correct symbol row. For instance, if you run the Annual Trends (seasonality) template and then the InPlay template, you can copy the seasonality numbers into InPlay so that you can sort and filter based on the new columns in addition to the existing columns. This also allow you to insert industry group data if you have that in a separate spreadsheet (such as the warehouse archive spreadsheets).

b.Templates can be saved and modified

The 'Save As' button in the templates menu allows you to quickly save your own copy of an existing template. You can now easily modify template parameters, save and run those as new templates.

2. You may find it easier in some instances to just move/copy columns from one template to another and/or add your own new columns and save it as your template, as opposed to doing a new Template each time you want to see something new/different.

After All, Chris has coded an incredible amount of stuff that's already easily available in his existing templates.

3. I find every couple of months I have to read thru his template descriptions that are available to anyone on the Edgerater main website;as there is too much stuff for me to recall(senility???)

For example there are probably 15+ templates covering various Connors strategies from ETFs, RsI(2), RSI powerzones, to ConnorsRSI and some of those early templates even have the backtesting built in.

Ed S.

1,031 posts
msg #155359
Ignore nibor100
1/19/2021 10:17:14 AM


Chris the developer/coder just got back to me with what he found, his email text is below:
Ed S.
PS. Note a considerably more proactive support role than what some us experience on SF

"Hi Ed,

Thank you for providing the Excel Spreadsheet and the Entry and Exit scripts.
I have been able to reproduce your environment here and see the same results as you.

On further investigation I can see that there is a problem with the setting ‘% Equity Per Trade’ in that it calculates equity as cash plus open position value and then uses that value for the calculation of all trades on a particular day.

The correct implementation would be to calculate the number of shares per trade based on % of available cash.
Here you can see the difference: (he provided the old bad equity chart and the corrected equity chart)

This fix will be in the next update.
Best Regards,"

1,031 posts
msg #155360
Ignore nibor100
1/19/2021 10:36:06 AM


Glad to heae Chris gave you an extension of trial time, he's been known to do such things in the past, I even know of instances where he was talked into his lifetime discount long after one of his sales expired.

Regarding Excel, its probably too hard for me to accurately comment on the level of know-how required as I used Excel at work for many years, after Lotus 1,2,3 so a lot of it is almost 2nd nature. However, you don't have to use any Excel macro programming with Edgerater and since you successfully created your first Template I don't believe there is anything more complex in Excel that Edgerater would require than what you have already done. I can answer most Excel questions you might have if you get stumpled.

The problems I tended to run into would be placing things in a template Excel spreadsheet, not where Edgerater was expecting them, or I would forget to update each of the separate sheets in a Template appropriately. (I probably average less than 1 new template creation a year, so I have to relearn it each time by rewatching some his Youtube training videos and reading some of the template blogs).

I remember one time I was asking questions about using time references in a script on the Edgerater Forum and then I posted what I had worked out. About a month later Chris contacted me about what my goal had been and in a couple of weeks he modified some of the Edgerater code and provided Templates enabling user to import and use data from other sources outside of Edgerater (in my case some of the VectorVest outputs) He really is a programming and Excel wiz.

Ed S.

73 posts
msg #155375
Ignore VirginTrader
1/20/2021 8:31:51 AM

Anyone who can learn excel would find the software a good deal for the back testing feature.

Unfortunately, I am not and couldn't find the patience to get into it during the trial period.

Thank you for sharing maybe the offer will come around again.

1,031 posts
msg #155376
Ignore nibor100
1/20/2021 10:14:42 AM

VirginTrader's recent post seems to imply that knowledge and use of Excel is required to Backtest in Edgerater.

That is not the case, as I have run hundreds of backtests using Edgerater and never used Excel for any of them.

If you watch the first 2.5 minutes of the 3rd video in the 4 video training series described earlier in this thread, you'll see How to conduct a Backtest and that Excel is not used at all.

The majority of Edgerater users never use Excel to do anything because Edgerater has so many standalone features that already meet their needs.

However, like SF, export capability to Excel exists for even more user flexibility.

Unfortunately, the lifetime special sale has expired but historically it is offered a couple of times a year so if I remember I'll post when it happens again.

Ed S.

1,089 posts
msg #155378
Ignore graftonian
1/20/2021 11:42:37 AM

@Ed S.
I will re-watch vid3 and continue to hammer away at this "tough nut". Perhaps it would be a better use of my time, as I haven't been able to make any gains in my trading, with the NASDAQ up 200 points

1,031 posts
msg #155379
Ignore nibor100
1/20/2021 12:56:49 PM

@Graf and others,

To simplify some major items in Edgerater:

What he call Snapshots are the same as the Symbol Lists of equities.

Templates have 2 main purposes, the first is to filter the entire stock list similar to what SF does and usually having extra built in columns showing similar recent filter history for each stock shown

The second purpose of templates is to show historical trends or stock symbol history such as showing seasonality data for next 1monh, 2months, 3months etc. over a 10 year period from today's data forward.

To run a backtest

1. first you must have an entry script (filter in SF) and if you want, an Exit script (Filter in SF).

Though you don't need an Exit script if you just set number of days in trade or some kind of stop criteria on the Simulation tab(part of step 3 below) .

a. most of the common technical indicators are already scripted in Edgerater (think of having a SF filter database) so in many instances you don't have to write a new entry or exit script from scratch.

2. Then you go to the Entry and Exits tab and drag and drop your entry script, then hit the RUN button and all entries are generated. Similarly for Exits if you have an Exit script

3. Go to Simulation tab, set your long, short conditions, stops, money rules etc. and hit the run button and usually within 45 seconds the backtest is completed, that entire process takes 2 to 3 minutes per backtest.

a. When completed Edgerater then displays a complete trade list, a backtest summary sheet, such as those I've previously posted, and an Equity char,t and a trade Distribution/Probabily curve chart which also has each trade shown as a column, in a secondary column chart area, so you can easily see where the best place to put profit stops and stop losses for a large group of similar trades.

Vizualize a trade candlestick where the body is your trade entry to exit range span, the upper wick shows the range of the favorable profit Excursion and the bottom wick shows the range of the unfavorable loss Excursion.

b. If you hit the Pop Out button at the top of the screen, all of that backtest data and charts, and some additional supporting data, are placed on an Excel spreadsheet which you can manipulate and/or save.

c. The one thing you can't do with the backtest data after you've saved it to Excel that you can do when you are looking at it in Edgerater, is double click on any symbol line and get a stock chart for that symbol that even shows the Entry and Exit points along with additional script chart areas that show which days were hits for the script and daily data values for given script criteria.

Hope this helps some of you
Ed S.

578 posts
msg #155387
Ignore xarlor
1/20/2021 9:06:19 PM

Thanks for the followup nibor. Good customer service. Did the corrected summary result in a significant difference to the ending equity?

If the stars align later this year - I have free time and lifetime sale comes back around - it's going to be hard to walk away.

StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · EDGERATER discussion<< 1 2 3 4 5 >>Post Follow-up

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