StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · GM can recover & pay back their loans<< 1 2 3 >>Post Follow-up
963 posts
msg #75023
Ignore marine2
6/5/2009 2:51:13 AM

Keep buying the foreign vehicles then. And, also own GM & Chrysler vehicles in your wallet. You will be paying Japan for example for the vehicle your driving and using your tax dollars to support GM and Chrysler. Sounds like a good plan huh. Boycotting true American products is not the answer boys and girls. Supporting our true Amercan products is how our nation will get back on its feet again. It is a fine balance of being forced to do something and not for the sake of our countries economic situation. Sometimes, we have to bite the bullet and help our country out. Yes, it might hurt your inner pride but when its for the good of our country then its well worth it.

The myths people are seeing and hearing via the negative news on how lousy the workmanship is with GM and Chrysler vehicles is just that, only myths no longer fact. The last X number of years these said companies have upped their quality on their product to be on par with the foreign makers. Until the buyers of foreign vehicles actually drives these later GM and Chrysler vehicles they have no basis to judge what is being made.

To bring down these two companies, especially the size of GM it was a psuenami of many things. To think that quality and bad management were the only factors is absolutely baseless and false. This is why our government is trying to help in preserving our industrial base product. Call it planned socialism or whatever, this temporary intervention is needed to keep our countries economic system intact and to stay out of a depression. Sure, no one knows if the plan will work for these two companies but to not try to help them would be ludicris. As you have noticed, the foreign countries are helping their companies out to save them.

Bottom line is, since your tax dollars are now invested in GM and Chrysler you might as well support them. If not, double paying for transportation is what you will experience.

439 posts
msg #75024
Ignore petrolpeter
6/5/2009 3:23:46 AM

The problem with our government and those banks and car companies is that they don't know what the word 'default' means.

622 posts
msg #75071
Ignore luc1grunt
6/5/2009 1:01:58 PM

Marine: "Sometimes, we have to bite the bullet and help our country out. Yes, it might hurt your inner pride but when its for the good of our country then its well worth it. "

Well, let me respond.

I have been close to paying the "ultimate price" for my country.

I have close friends who have been close to paying the ""ultimate price".

I had close friends who did pay the "ultimate price".

Now, being asked to "bite the bullet".....I believe I am.

My resonsibility is paying others' mortgages.

My responsibility is paying for deadbeat baby factories.

My responsibility is paying for other's irresponsible, staggering debt.

And never a whimper.

Well guess what.......many of us are beyond whimpering. I've cut charitable giving in half because of the taxes and costs incurred by this country. Those charities need the money and the people they support cannot fend for themsleves (disabled, mentally challenged).

So, I feel no guilt for my attitude. I'm just passin through anyway. :)

963 posts
msg #75110
Ignore marine2
6/6/2009 2:47:26 AM

GM encouraged each full time worker to give ample amount of their pay checks to various charities over the years. With this economic situation facing GM obviously the worker donations coming from them has met its doom also. Everyone has been hurt by this. GM has given millions of charity dollars over the years to many worthy agencies. Now with what has happened they can not do this. Again, thank stupid people for actions that ruined all this. Stupid people from the highest jobs to the average person that took too much credit out and became over extended. Shame on all of them. The pain is just beginning to be felt from the highest positions to the lowest. Our society is being lowered to be more like the other countries. Our nation was too far ahead of everyone and now we will be equal. Maybe this was a planned event after all?

By the way you are not the only one that is getting hurt by these two bankruptcies. Hundreds of thousands are biting the bullet and me included.

622 posts
msg #75116
Ignore luc1grunt
6/6/2009 6:47:55 AM

I agree and don't claim to be the only one getting hurt. I have made my way through blood sweat and tears and am not ashamed nor will I be made to feel guilty.

You are correct in that our country is being flushed.

We have a sect of society who feels a need to apologize to the world for being a superpower. They seem to "blame America" first. They seem to feel if we just give a little more, lay down our weapons, open our borders to ALL, entitlements to anyone with slightly "less" than their neighbor, that the "world" will love us.

I have no doubt in watching them through the years, that they feel America is to blame for all the world's problems.

I am appreciative of being born in a so-called "despised" country.

I will never apologize...I grew up and live in the greatest country in the world.

Some are just not happy with that status.

I refuse to feel the guilt they feel, nor will I be made to feel guilty for having succeeded.

Good intentions are killing our once great institutions and it looks like we are nearing the point of no return.

963 posts
msg #75136
Ignore marine2
6/7/2009 2:45:11 AM

Thank you for your honesty and loyalty. Someone once said, losing control of a great country is when you lose control of your people. When you allow anyone to come into your country and get free things from people that worked hard for it, and people that won't learn our language, when illegal aliens don't pay taxes, then you will lose your country. Everyone has to follow the rules of living in this country. To live here permanently you have to be a citizen. Being a citizen here you must follow the rules. If you don't you go back to your original country. We need the draft started again. Get young people motivated, make them learn how to work, learn how to respect people, and other important things.

America became powerful, and well respected when they did things for themselves, we produced things the world wanted not the other way around. We need to go back to that formula again. Call it nationalism, I call it getting our respect back, and getting our industrial strength back. Let the world know our people are doers not whiners and looking for someone else to do the work for us. We must ignore countries that think of us as terrible people. We need to focus on caring for ourselves and not being reliant on other countries. Makes you think we are hostages or something the way we cow tow to some of these lesser power countries. It's time we take our country back.

256 posts
msg #75208
Ignore FuriousThug
6/9/2009 2:37:04 AM

- Ignore marine2 6/7/2009 2:45:11 AM

Thank you for your honesty and loyalty. Someone once said, losing control of a great country is when you lose control of your people. When you allow anyone to come into your country and get free things from people that worked hard for it, and people that won't learn our language, when illegal aliens don't pay taxes, then you will lose your country. Everyone has to follow the rules of living in this country. To live here permanently you have to be a citizen. Being a citizen here you must follow the rules. If you don't you go back to your original country. We need the draft started again. Get young people motivated, make them learn how to work, learn how to respect people, and other important things.

America became powerful, and well respected when they did things for themselves, we produced things the world wanted not the other way around. We need to go back to that formula again. Call it nationalism, I call it getting our respect back, and getting our industrial strength back. Let the world know our people are doers not whiners and looking for someone else to do the work for us. We must ignore countries that think of us as terrible people. We need to focus on caring for ourselves and not being reliant on other countries. Makes you think we are hostages or something the way we cow tow to some of these lesser power countries. It's time we take our country back.

Eesh...let me just state from the beginning that we do, indeed, live in one of the best places on earth...and I can say that with the only real reflection that living in some of the worst places on earth can bestow on that judgment. But a couple things that always irk me:

1) When someone lambasts the hordes of unwashed, disease-infested immigrants (who, incidentally, make up all but the smallest percentage of folks who we didn't wipe out since colonization), and, in the same paragraph notes that countries "think of us as terrible people," I cringe at the confusion. How can this be? How can we be so hated yet such a desirable destination? Memo: people don't hate us...SOME people hate our policies...but that's life, it's our responsibility to accept the hate or change the policies. But I've been to some of the places most Americans would think hate us most...and I didn't meet a single person that hated me...what I found were a lot of questions and curiousity...but no hatred. Maybe I've just been lucky...

2) "The global economy," for better or for worse, is a global economy. The only value of "Made in the USA" now is that it supposedly lessens the environmental impact of having to ship useless crap halfway around the world so we can buy it on a whim at the checkout. We pressed so hard for years to spread the veins of democracy (in reality, markets) to the furthest reaches of the world...and now we're so hurt that other people could possibly be doing things, producing things better than us. I love your challenge, marine...enough with the whining...I want to buy my crappy, disposable technological gadgets from American companies, dammit.

Bottom line is we have a massive hangover. And we're handling it by getting out of bed and pouring another drink.

961 posts
msg #75217
Ignore miketranz
6/9/2009 9:33:52 PM

Marine,I respect your patriotic words.My father flew into Normandy on the "D" Day invasion in a glider.He was in the anti tank division of the 82nd Airborne.A kid came up to him the other day and said "did you see the movie Saving Private Ryan? My father said,"son,I did'nt have to see the movie,I was there.So believe me,I know where you're coming from.But what really bothers me about the auto industry,and I'm speaking from over 30 years experience in the business,is how the government allowed major corporations the use of foreign labor.But it's not only in the auto industry,it's in almost every industry.The government sold out the blue collar labor force.We need to find a way to employ Americans,in American industries,in a competitive way.Semper Fi..

963 posts
msg #75223
Ignore marine2
6/10/2009 2:02:32 AM

Mike I am on your side on that issue. Blue collar workers built this nation and to see many of them in pain and out of work is very unsettling. Hopefully, we can turn this negative economy around and get people working again.

And for you Furious, if making a honest statement on what I see happening in America is called whining well I will respectfully argue that accusation. Isn't that why you and myself love our country so much, we Americans have the right and freedom to state our thoughts. Thank you for reading my ealier comments it does seem it inspired you to at least comment about them. We don't have to agree on the issues but expressing our thoughts on them is what matters. Getting people thinking and wondering what each of us can do to better ourselves, our family and our country is what most matters. Happy investing and may God bless each and every one of us, good health, common sense, and love and compassion towards our fellow man and woman.

256 posts
msg #75238
Ignore FuriousThug
6/10/2009 2:03:23 PM

/cheers Marine

StockFetcher Forums · General Discussion · GM can recover & pay back their loans<< 1 2 3 >>Post Follow-up

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